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D A S   B O O T     |   R E A D E R ' S   C O M M E N T S     |    C A L E N D A R     |    F E A T U R E D   A R T I S T S    |    C O M P E T I T I O N S - G R A N T S

APRIL 1999


click here for Judy Choi's Voodoo series >

> "Every night at the moment between sleeping and waking, I used to see myself flying through the stars. It was this feeling of movement through space which lead me to pursuit architecture as well as art."

"I did my first watercolors when backpacking through Europe in 1985. When I moved to New York in 1987, I found it to be the most convenient media for a small cramped apartment. Most of these Watercolors are from my sketchbooks, ranging from 1985 to 1992."

"The Vis-a-vis project is work in process, a wall made up of acrylic box picture frames with portraits painted directly on the acrylic in oil paints. Once again, the tiny New York apartment plays a factor in my choice of media . . . . The acrylic box picture frames are conveniently stackable. Vis-a-vis is a study of pictoral reverberation. The tranparent background enables me to see my subject through the "canvas". The subject sees me, and can witness the painting. The idea of front and back of a painting is lost. A new space is defined between the artist, subject, and painting. The project is meant to be seen from both sides in the context of a room with real objects seen through the wall. The portraits in the wall vary in size, ranging from 4" x 5" to 12" x 16". All were painted from a live model, friends and family."

Judy Choi has worked as an architect in California and New York for the last 15 years. Although she has no formal training in art, Judy has always painted in her free time. The subject matter has varied as much as the medium. In California, she managed to combine her two arts by specializing in trompl'oeil painting. Currently, she is a senior project architect at a New York architecture firm, Richard Cook and Associates. Judy also practices what she calls "Architectural Animism" under the name "Voodoo Spaces".

click here for Judy Choi's Voodoo series >

[Judy Choi link added in February 2003:  www.AIRspaces.com ]

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